Sunday, March 2, 2008

And Just Like Gum

everything loses its flavor eventually. I'm more than fairly certain I'm losing my mind as well as the taste for what I would consider my usual fare. Where does a man who wants everything he doesn't have go to get said items? pretty sure straight to hell
Michigan where the convenience stores are plenty.

I no longer have a love for WoW, she is more of the girlfriend I can't get rid of. I turned to her many years ago to give me a place to run to, now I want to run away.I think there was a song about that once. The real question is what would I do with my time if I didn't fill it with games? I've spent my whole life with them to just let them lose their hold on me now. All good things pass in time,they say, but I'd rather this not pass.

I've started working again on the endeavor and its a painful one. I've lost the flavor for it too right now but I'm forcing myself to at least jot things down. Even if jotting means writing about a hooker whose being run out of town by a moral police state. I hate myself already.

Other than that things are pretty neat. Saw a few of the lads this weekend which was nice and chris is doing some sort of old growing soon. Also I have tickets to HURT this month and that kicks more ass than you do.

Enough of the for now. Time to hang up my coat and maybe take up a new habit of sorts. Is resurrecting the snuff period a new habit or just simply a way to pass the time? Let me know, my brothers.

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