Sunday, February 24, 2008


I don't think I'm ever going to escape mates, and that is the worst of all.

I'm trapped in some sort of holding pattern, bad weather that won't let me land and an uncomfortable seat on the plane. Seems like everywhere I'd like to be is never where I am.

I've begun chapter two. What will happen is a mystery to me although I'm excited to see how it unfolds. I only wish I had some confidence in my ability to finish this endeavor of mine. Maybe I need a ritual like the author from Misery. The protag not King. I don't smoke or stay in cheap hotels, however, so I'm pretty much fucked. I do drink though, and in the event of an emergency I can get pretty drunk in a hurry. Is this a tangent? I don't do math.

Keighdee is reviewing chapter one's third revision rough draft. Should be interesting. Maybe I can make some 3d shit on the page with a little constructive insight. My cdubb proff thinks I have phenominal description, too bad the bible also has said description and we know how many people actually read that.

I suppose I'll go pour some gin and think on this matter for a while. The best way to tend an open wound is to clean it with strong medicine before the suture.

Bring me a needle and thread, oh my brothers, and see that the iron is hot for the closing.

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