Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Also known as changing a verb in order to make sense at all. John raises his hand in class and says:

"I'd like to fall from your sweet touch,"

once thoroughly beaten by the schoolmaster, a great man with a pale complexion and flowing black beard, he relents with a face of twisted sorrow.

"Please no more! I wish to reverb if I could!"

the schoolmaster would then nod and, having placed a thick brown boot onto a nearby cask, he would listen intently for the reverb.

"I'd like to," he begins slowly, "run...? from your sweet touch?" and the beating would begin again.

I write this as I sit in my brit lit class discussing the role of victorian women in society. somehow writing something about this misuse of reverb is funny and makes the time pass by quicker. Victorian women were split three ways: those that were rich and couldn't care less, those who were poor and were fucked for life and those who were rich and wanted to make a difference.

Unfortunately we've been talking about gender roles since as long as I can recall. Every religion class I've had in the last twenty or so years dealt with how to treat people as you treat yourself. luckily I'm a very bruised and battered person, otherwise the stories I force keighdee to come up with wouldnt work.

"Honestly," she says, "I put the car in neutral while Eric was home and then tried my best to fix the break problem on the back the same time,"

and that is how she got acidentally run over three times.

Love you keighders, that is still a good joke.

1 comment:

Aaron McClaskey said...

be ever mindful that not every aspiring author is as fortunate as ye... some among us are trapped in the walls of a former rehabilitation center, cutting out shapes from construction paper and finding examples of exaggerated scale in magazine clips...

not to name names or anything.

step softly,